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Getting Started
  1. Site editor overview
  2. Develop your page layout & content
  3. Edit your site
  4. Activate your account
  5. Setup your domain name
  6. Configure email accounts
  7. Access the site marketing center
Site editor overview
The site editor provides you with a complete set of web site design and management tools. You have full access to setup your web site using our browser based system without having to know HTML or web programming. Use the editor to setup your site, manage your web pages, upload graphics, customize your design and much more.

The site editor system is divided into 5 sections (Note: Some sections may not be available depending on the type of site you have chosen). Each of these areas can be accessed by clicking the tab on the top of the page when you are logged in to your account.

The admin area gives you access to view/update your account information, view statistics, setup email accounts, manage your mailing list and view the marketing center.

View site
Click the view site tab to preview your site. Your site will appear below the edit bar at the top of the page. The edit bar is only visible when you are logged into your account.

Edit site
To modify your site click the "edit site" tab. This will display the page editor for your home page. You can click add or edit to modify your home page. If you want to edit a different page, select that page from your site menu, or choose it from the page list button.

Setup your product catalog and store shopping cart. This option is only available if you have ecommerce enabled on your account.

System support and help information.

Develop your page layout & content
Spend some time to map out your site. How many pages do you need and what content do you want to display on your pages? Keep in mind that visitors to your site may not know about your products and services. You want to make it clear what you offer and how they can contact you.

  1. Decide what pages you want.
  2. Develop the content (text & images) for your pages.
  3. Use the site editor to create your site.
The first step to setting up any web site is to determine what information you want to make available on your web site. You need to decide what pages you need and what content to go on each of the pages. A good place to look for ideas is to view your competitors' web sites. Search the internet for sites that are similar to yours and see what they are doing. NOTE: Do not copy images or text from other web sites that do not give you permission to use their materials.

Edit your site
To get started editing your site, click the "edit site" tab at the top of the site editor.

Editing pages
The default site is created to give you a template to plug in your own information. It includes a standard set of pages that are common on most web sites. Click each of the pages and edit them. Click the edit link on the page to change page content. To learn more about editing pages click here.

Adding new content to pages
To add information/images to a page, edit the page and click the "add" button to display the add menu. Choose your category and select the type of content you want to add (text, images, etc.) to your site. To learn more about adding content to your pages click here.

Creating new pages
Click the "add page" button to create a new page. You can choose to have the page automatically added to your site's menu by using the page location option. To learn more about managing the pages on your site click here

Customize your layout and site design
To change the colors, layout and other design options click the "design" button. To learn more about changing your design click here

For more information about all of these topics click the help topics.

Activate your account
During the trial period you have full access to start working on your account. After the trial period is up, you need to activate your account to continue working on your site and make it live on the Internet. Once your account is activated, your site can be setup in your own domain name and you will be able to setup email accounts.

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click the activate account link.
  3. Fill out your account & billing information.
  4. Review the terms of service.
  5. Click the signup button.

Setup your domain name
You have two options for setting up a domain name:

Register a new name
If you do not already have a domain name you can click the registration link to register a new name for your site. Click the setup web address option on the main admin page. Then choose the option to register a new name.

Setup your existing domain name
Use this option if you already have a domain name registered. To direct your domain to your new site, you simply need to login to your domain account at your registrar and update your DNS server settings. Click the setup web address option on the main admin page and select setup existing domain name for more information.

When your domain setup is complete you will receive a notification email.

For more information on setting up domains click here.

Configure email accounts
To setup email accounts login to your account and click the email accounts link. You can choose to add a new email account, forward accounts and setup autoresponders. To learn more about setting up your email accounts click here.

Access the site marketing center
The marketing center provides information about setting up an effective internet presence for your business and gives you tips and ideas for effectively promoting your web site.


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