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  1. Import products
  2. Export orders
  3. Export customer data
  4. Export products
Import products
To import products you first need to create a properly formatted import file. Each line in the file represents one product that you want to add/modify. You upload this file to your site. Each product must have a unique id to be uploaded.
  1. Click the import/export link on the main store manager page.
  2. Click the data transfer formats link.
  3. Review the product import file format.
  4. Create an import file using the same format as the example.
  5. Click the "product catalog" link in the import section.
  6. Click the browse button and locate the import file on your computer.
  7. Click the upload button.
  8. Review the uploaded data to verify that it is in the correct format.
  9. Click the import button.

Export orders

  1. Click the import/export link on the main store manager page.
  2. Check each of the order categories that you want to export.
  3. Click the "start export" button.
  4. Click the file names to view/download the exported data.
NOTE: Click the "data transfer formats" link to review the format of exported data files.

Export customer data

  1. Click the import/export link on the main store manager page.
  2. Check "customer database" box.
  3. Click the "start export" button.
  4. Click the file names to view/download the exported data.
NOTE: Click the "data transfer formats" link to review the format of exported data files.

Export products

  1. Click the import/export link on the main store manager page.
  2. Check the "product catalog" box.
  3. Click the "start export" button.
  4. Click the file names to view/download the exported data.
NOTE: Click the "data transfer formats" link to review the format of exported data files.


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