Writing Correct Website Content: A Guide to Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary
Although English is the most widely spoken language around the world, even native speakers occasionally have difficulty with its perplexing grammar rules and baffling spelling standards. Perhaps it is in part due to the fact that English originally developed from an amalgamation of other languages and continues to evolve and borrow from different tongues. Nevertheless, language is how we communicate and it is one of the primary ways in which we present ourselves to others. Embarrassing mistakes can reflect poorly on us and produce the wrong impression.
To help readers brush up on English language rules, this article provides a quick refresher. Within each section is a helpful guide outlining common mistakes and how to correct them. The following links also supply further information and examples. Finally, the reference material at the end serves as a guide on where to find further resources.
Grammar Help
- Guide to Grammar and Style
- Grammar and Punctuation Guidelines, Self Help
- Writers Workshop: Writer Resources
- Grammar
- Words: Grammar
- Grammar Index
- The Basic Elements of English
Punctuation Help
- Punctuation Marks
- Punctuation
- Practical Punctuation
- Editorial Style Guide
- Punctuation Guide
- Editorial Style Guide
Vocab and Spelling Help
- Vocabulary Resource Links
- Ways to Improve Vocabulary
- Building a Better Vocabulary
- Seven Techniques to Improve Your Vocabulary
- Spelling Rules
- Tips to Improve Spelling
- Some Rules and Suggestions about Spelling
- Spelling: Common Words that Sound Alike
Common Mistakes
- Common Spelling Errors
- Grammar Errors
- Common English Mistakes
- Stylistic Mistakes
- Homonym Confusion (Words that sound alike.)
- Common Grammatical Errors
- 10 Most Common Grammar Errors
Reference Materials
- Guide to Grammar and Writing
- Grammar Glossary
- Writer’s Style Guide
- English Language Rules
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus
- Roget’s Thesaurus